

Waldemar Salonek

Boxbergring 14
69126 Heidelberg

Phone  +49 (0) 6221-718 31 42


Inhaber:  Dipl.-Ing. Waldemar Salonek

Umsatzsteuer-ID-Nr.  DE 813 921 062



LUCID-Nr.: DE1138915003234-V


Die Europäische Kommission stellt eine Plattform zur Online-Streitbeilegung (OS) bereit, die Sie hier finden:

Verbraucher haben die Möglichkeit, diese Plattform für die Beilegung ihrer Streitigkeiten zu nutzen. Zur Beilegung von Streitigkeiten aus einem Vertragsverhältnis mit einem Verbraucher bzw. darüber, ob ein solches Vertragsverhältnis überhaupt besteht, sind wir zur Teilnahme an Streitbeilegungsverfahren vor einer Verbraucherschlichtungsstelle verpflichtet. Zuständig ist die Allgemeine Verbraucherschlichtungsstelle des Zentrums für Schlichtung e.V., Straßburger Straße 8, 77694 Kehl am Rhein, An einem Streitbeilegungsverfahren vor dieser Stelle werden wir teilnehmen. 

Terms of Service

  1. Scope

The following terms and conditions apply to all orders via our online shop. Our online shop is aimed exclusively at consumers. A consumer is any natural person who concludes a legal transaction for purposes that are predominantly neither commercial nor self-employed. An entrepreneur is a natural or legal person or a legal partnership who, when concluding a legal transaction, acts in the exercise of their commercial or independent professional activity.

  1. Contractual partner, conclusion of contract, correction options

The purchase contract is concluded with ZENVITALIS, Waldemar Salonek.

The presentation of the products in the online shop is not a legally binding offer, but a non-binding online catalog. You can initially place our products in the shopping cart without obligation and correct your entries at any time before submitting your binding order by using the information provided in the order process and use the explained proofing tools. By clicking the order button, you place a binding order for the goods in the shopping cart. Confirmation of receipt of your order will be sent by email immediately after the order has been sent. When the contract with us is concluded depends on the payment method you have chosen: invoice We accept your order by sending a declaration of acceptance in a separate email or by delivering the goods within two days. Payment in advance We accept your order by sending a declaration of acceptance in a separate email within two days, in which we give you our bank details. PayPal During the ordering process you will be redirected to the website of the online provider PayPal. There you can enter your payment details and confirm the payment order to PayPal. After placing the order in the shop, we request PayPal to initiate the payment transaction and thereby accept your offer. Wann der Vertrag mit uns zustande kommt, richtet sich nach der von Ihnen gewählten Zahlungsart:

We accept your order by sending a declaration of acceptance in a separate email or by delivering the goods within two days, in which we give you our bank details.

There you can enter your payment details and confirm the payment order to PayPal. After placing the order in the shop, we request PayPal to initiate the payment transaction and thereby accept your offer.

  1. Contract language, contract text storage

The language available for the conclusion of the contract is German. We save the text of the contract and send you the order data and our terms and conditions in text form.

You can see the contract text in our customer login.

  1. Lieferbedingungen

Zuzüglich zu den angegebenen Produktpreisen können noch Versandkosten anfallen. Nähere Bestimmungen zu ggf. anfallenden Versandkosten erfahren Sie bei den Angeboten.

Sie haben grundsätzlich die Möglichkeit der Abholung bei ZENVITALIS, Waldemar Salonek, Boxbergring 14, 69126 Heidelberg, Germany zu den nachfolgend angegebenen Geschäftszeiten:Mo-Fr. 10-17 Uhr, Sa 10-16 Uhr

  1. Payment

The following payment methods are generally available in our shop:

Payment in advance

If you choose the payment method in advance, we will give you our bank details in a separate email and deliver the goods after receipt of payment.


During the ordering process you will be redirected to the website of the online provider

In order to be able to pay the invoice amount via PayPal, you must be registered there or first register, legitimize with your access data and confirm the payment instruction to us. After placing the order in the shop, we ask PayPal to initiate the payment transaction. The payment transaction is carried out automatically by PayPal immediately afterwards. You'll get more information during the ordering process.


You pay the invoice amount after receipt of the goods and the invoice by transfer to our bank account. We reserve the right to offer purchase on account only after a successful credit check.

  1. Retention of title

The goods remain our property until full payment.

  1. Transport damage

If goods are delivered with obvious transport damage, please report such errors to the deliverer as soon as possible and contact us immediately. Failure to lodge a complaint or to contact you has no consequences whatsoever for your legal claims and their enforcement, in particular your warranty rights. However, they help us to assert our own claims against the carrier or the transport insurance.

  1. Warranties and Guarantees

The statutory right to liability for defects applies. Information on any additional guarantees that may apply and their precise conditions can be found with the product and on special information pages in the online shop.

  1. Liability

We are always unrestrictedly liable for claims based on damage caused by us, our legal representatives or vicarious agents

  • in the event of injury to life, limb or health
  • in the event of willful or grossly negligent breach of duty
  • in the case of guarantee promises, if agreed, or
  • as far as the scope of the product liability law is opened.

In the event of a breach of essential contractual obligations, the fulfillment of which enables the proper execution of the contract in the first place and on whose compliance the contractual partner may regularly rely, (cardinal obligations) through slight negligence on the part of us, our legal representatives or vicarious agents, the amount of liability is foreseeable at the time the contract was concluded Damage limited, the occurrence of which is typically to be expected. Otherwise claims for damages are excluded.

  1. Streitbeilegung

The European Commission provides a platform for online dispute resolution, which you can find here. Consumers have the opportunity to use this platform to settle their disputes. To settle disputes arising from a contractual relationship with a consumer or whether such a contractual relationship even exists, we are obliged to participate in dispute settlement procedures before a consumer arbitration board. Responsible is the general consumer arbitration board of the Zentrums für Schlichtung e.V., Straßburger Straße 8, 77694 Kehl am Rhein,

We will take part in a dispute settlement procedure before this office.

AGB created with the Trusted Shops Rechtstexter in cooperation with Wilde Beuger Solmecke Rechtsanwälte.